
A dark morning, with grim news awaiting me in my email. A fox squirrel crosses the snowy yard, the mellow flame of its tail floating behind.


    1. Thanks. Me too.

  1. Heart and Shadow

    Each day’s a letter
    from the unknown.
    Yesterday’s missive

    came on a plate
    of beaten silver.
    Today, the hollows

    brimming with shadow
    are legible. The only
    comfort, a fox

    squirrel crossing the yard,
    its tail a mellow flame
    floating in its wake.

    ~ Luisa A. Igloria
    12 22 2010

    [I hope all is well, Dave. Or that it will be.]

    1. Beautiful, Luisa. Thank you.

    2. I like the nod to the via negativa there in the opening lines, too!

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