
Dim sun. Trunks and branches still sheathed in ice glisten, surrounded by duller companions like glitterati on the streets of New York.


  1. I see you do indeed use similes, and I love this one!

    1. Thanks, Jean. Yes, sometimes you have to go with the obvious.

      Delighted to find your new microblog Trail Mix this morning!

  2. Dim Sun, Dim Sum

    Dim sun, your soft
    floury edges today
    make me think of steam
    clouds under a wicker basket,
    pillowy mounds of dough
    pulled into a pucker
    atop sweet or savory buns…
    Let the glittery icicles
    on twigs and branches trade
    their hard-edged, fishnet-
    stockinged gossip above us all,
    here at an oilcloth-covered table
    in a little hole in the wall
    where the air is fragrant
    with ginger and scallions
    and dark plum sauce.

    – Luisa A. Igloria
    02 04 2011

    1. LOL. I love “fishnet-/stockinged gossip”. This poem is making me very hungry.

        1. Yeah, but I’m guessing it’s going to be a lot easier for you to satisfy this craving in D.C. than it is for me out here in the sticks.

          Hope you’re enjoying the MFA, by the way. I thought hard about going this year, but the thought of being surrounded by so many poets made me break out in hives.

          1. I’m on a train back as we “speak”– AWP this year was as usual overwhelming and overstimulating. I attended two meetings, spoke at two panels, had two wonderful reunions over great meals with two old friends, one of them my old college prof in philosopy – I hadn’t seen himsince ’92.

            No opportunity to go find dim sum in DC.

            We could in Chicago’s Chinatown next year if you want to be on a panel on collaborative poetries… What say you?

          2. Also, if that panel gets approved, I would want to try some more active collaborations along the lines of our letter-poem linked verse series. (Not necessarily using comment threads — we could try Google docs, too.)

    1. You mean be on the panel, or write collaboratively? I don’t know. But if you need ideas of who else to include in such a panel, browse qarrtsiluni’s Mutating the Signature issue from two years ago. http://qarrtsiluni.com/category/mutating-the-signature/ (This was before we instituted issue TOCs, so you’ll have to do a bit of scrolling, I’m afraid.)

  3. Look out for the Stinky Tofu in the hemlock tree.

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