A cloudless sky and air so clear, I can see gnats dancing 100 feet away. In the deep shade, borrowing shards of sun, the wings of a crow.
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A cloudless sky and air so clear, I can see gnats dancing 100 feet away. In the deep shade, borrowing shards of sun, the wings of a crow.
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From where I sit, Stick, I can see how God
presides over the fate of mice and men.
Look at those gnats dancing on the head
of a cabbage: now that’s what feasting is.
Suck and fly, suck and fly! Swarm around
the little garden, bite and fly, bite and fly.
Isn’t this the ritual of all struggle? Take
all you can while you can. Grasp if you can.
It won’t be long nor will this last forever:
the spectre of a reaper lurks in the deep shade,
its wings lit by shards of sunlight. There it is.
The Crow descends on the cabbage patch.
It sizes up the swarm of gnats, and quickly
opens its beaks to let them fly into a throat
that earlier cackled an invitation: Come!
Abandon all hope you who enter here. Come.
Much like the chapel bells ringing for the
flock to gather for the Rapture, milord.
Shut up, Stick, I see where your point is going.
—Albert B. Casuga
As if it were the shadow of a woman’s hair
This tree’s deep shadow
Lets stray golden rays of sunlight
Through to light my raven feathers
And my beak gleams black — I wonder
Whom this ancient woman loves
Whose hair is hiding me away
Whose twigs I use to build my nest
Whose branches frame my every move