Three inches of sticky snow have turned the trees white and intricate, with many moving parts: sparrows, robins, a blackbird’s creak.
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Three inches of sticky snow have turned the trees white and intricate, with many moving parts: sparrows, robins, a blackbird’s creak.
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sticky-quaffed hollowmeat slubber revomits creakily-uncracked ultrices puckering-up to eye-smacking blips & ifs doused in sump’n intricately qizarated & unsurjected, unlike snow
Not Yet There
The tree is intricate, a lattice
with many moving parts: sparrows,
robins, a blackbird’s creak.
The ox in the sky pulls the plow.
The archer strings his one good
arrow across the bow. The dipper’s
hinged against the lip of the grassy well.
And I have only my hungry heart, my
wobbly heart: I cart it everywhere I go.
~ Luisa A. Igloria
03 31 2011