A morning so dark, the spring peepers call between showers. At the wood’s edge, slow as a dream, a blue-headed vireo repeats its only line.
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A morning so dark, the spring peepers call between showers. At the wood’s edge, slow as a dream, a blue-headed vireo repeats its only line.
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Letter to Sameness and Variation
Dear heart, at the wood’s edge, the blue-
headed vireo repeats its only line. It isn’t true
it has nothing to say– just as it isn’t true
that sameness will not want to make us
look again. The wind disturbs the waterfall
of dogwood blooms along the branch
and when they settle back in place
they are themselves, but also different.
The same way you return but also dazzle
with your many aspects, one day turning my
heart on its side and another, making me
cry out; or rendering me without speech.
– Luisa A. Igloria
04 16 2011
Porch on the Potomac
mirroring your view
Two years hence I shared it first
When mallards flew and rain bit
My world was much darker then,
but yours was light, so I stayed
and shared my coffee silently
reflecting on nature’s bonds
2011s world is light but
Mallard’s fly and rain still stings
and Bonta writes and
now, so do I.
Hi Linda – Glad I could help! There is a lot of sorrow here, too, seeing what’s happening to the natural world, but it’s hard to convey in 140 characters, so I guess the light wins out.