1. Ah, O.K. If I were a more competant naturalist, I would’ve known about sunbirds, but better late than never! Thanks for the link.


    Philosophical questions begin thus, like a single leaf
    at the end of a refoliating branch on a drizzling day
    this tardy spring: which the last blackened leaf
    holding on to its perch; which the erupting bird
    springing this surprise thus coming unexplained
    like a sudden eructation from the belly of the earth?
    The leaf should have fallen to nothing in the wind,
    the hummingbird about its business of humming.
    Bird and leaf, life and death, something to nothing:
    the teetering green leaf is a bird drying its wings.
    So, why should there be something instead of nothing?

    —Albert B. Casuga

  2. glad you’re back.

  3. Beautiful picture. Love the hummingbird.

  4. What a lovely poetic vignette ! I will carry it with me all day!

  5. Thanks for the comments! I wonder if my two-week break will turn out to have been good for the Morning Porch? I need to be more adventuresome like this more often, I think.

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