Please note that some posts from the first two years may be unindexed or only partially indexed.
Most common tags
American goldfinch American robin bald-faced hornet barberry bergamot black birch black cherry black locust black walnut blue-headed vireo bluebird blue jays Canada geese cardinal Carolina wren catbird cats cattails cherry tree chickadee chickens chipmunks cicadas clouds cold Cooper's hawk cottontail crickets crow crows daffodils dame's-rocket dawn deer dogs downy woodpecker elm fall foliage fall warblers field sparrow flicker flies fog frost garden goldenrod gray squirrel groundhog hawks hunters I-99 icestorm icicles Japanese stiltgrass jet juncos killdeer lilac moon mosquito moths mountain laurel mourning doves oaks peonies phoebe pileated woodpecker plane quarry rain raven red-bellied woodpecker red-eyed vireo red-tailed hawk red maple ruby-throated hummingbird scarlet tanager screech owl sleet snow snowflakes snowstorm song sparrow spiders spiderwebs springhouse stream sunrise towhee train trucks tufted titmouse tulip tree tundra swans turkey vultures white-breasted nuthatch white-throated sparrow wild turkey wind wood thrush
All Tags
- ablutions (1)
- Acadian flycatcher (3)
- accipiter (17)
- accipiters (1)
- acorns (9)
- Adirondacks (1)
- afterimages (1)
- air compressor (1)
- air pollution (1)
- air quality (2)
- algae (1)
- American goldfinch (104)
- American kestrel (1)
- American redstart (5)
- American robin (78)
- Andrew Goldsworthy (1)
- ants (18)
- apple tree (1)
- apples (1)
- Asian stinkbugs (2)
- assassin bug (3)
- asters (15)
- azaleas (1)
- bacteria (1)
- bald eagle (1)
- bald-faced hornet (26)
- Baltimore oriole (14)
- banjo (3)
- barberry (36)
- barn (3)
- barred owl (15)
- bats (3)
- bear (8)
- bee-fly (1)
- beebalm (10)
- bees (5)
- beetles (5)
- bergamot (42)
- bindweed (15)
- bird feeder (1)
- birds (1)
- birdwatching (1)
- bitter cress (1)
- bittercress (1)
- black birch (81)
- black cherry (27)
- black currants (7)
- black gum (1)
- black locust (72)
- black raspberries (3)
- black raspberry (3)
- black snake (3)
- black vulture (1)
- black walnut (180)
- black walnute (1)
- black-and-white warbler (10)
- black-billed cuckoo (4)
- black-throated blue warbler (3)
- black-throated green warbler (9)
- bleeding-heart (5)
- blowfly (1)
- blue jay (19)
- blue jays (82)
- blue-gray gnatcatcher (11)
- blue-headed vireo (32)
- blue-winged warbler (1)
- blueberry (1)
- bluebird (37)
- bluebottle fly (3)
- bobcat (1)
- boots (1)
- bouncing bet (3)
- box turtle (3)
- bracken (21)
- bridal wreath (12)
- bridal wreath bush (1)
- brome (3)
- broom (1)
- broomsedge (2)
- brown creeper (13)
- brown thrasher (16)
- budburst (1)
- bull thistle (7)
- bulldozer (3)
- bumblebee (2)
- bumblebees (17)
- burdock (3)
- butterfly weed (4)
- cabbage white butterfly (14)
- Canada geese (68)
- Canada thistle (5)
- cardinal (102)
- Carolina wren (214)
- carpenter bees (11)
- cars (3)
- catbird (88)
- caterpillars (9)
- catnip (1)
- cats (29)
- cattail (2)
- cattails (29)
- cedar tree (10)
- cedar waxwing (18)
- cedar waxwings (2)
- cerulean warbler (17)
- chainsaw (8)
- cherry tree (83)
- chestnut oak (1)
- chestnut-sided warbler (1)
- chickadee (143)
- chickadees (1)
- chicken mushroom (1)
- chickens (32)
- chiggers (1)
- children (1)
- chimney swifts (5)
- chipmunks (124)
- chipping sparrow (20)
- Christmas bird count (5)
- chrysanthemums (1)
- church bells (7)
- cicada killer wasp (1)
- cicadas (31)
- climate change (1)
- climbing false buckwheat (2)
- clouded sulphur (1)
- clouds (475)
- coal tit (1)
- cocoons (1)
- coffee (15)
- cold (179)
- columbine (1)
- comfrey (1)
- common buckthorn (1)
- common fleabane (1)
- common grackle (11)
- common loon (1)
- common mullein (4)
- common snakeroot (3)
- common yellowthroat (15)
- coneflowers (1)
- contrails (22)
- Cooper's hawk (54)
- corncrib (1)
- cottontail (60)
- cowbird (12)
- cowbirds (1)
- cows (5)
- coyote (8)
- coyotes (2)
- crabapple (19)
- craneflies (1)
- cranefly (12)
- crickets (63)
- crow (24)
- crows (183)
- cumulus (1)
- cypress spurge (3)
- Dad (2)
- daffodils (66)
- daisies (1)
- dame's-rocket (26)
- dandelion (3)
- dawn (199)
- Daylight Savings (1)
- daylight savings time (5)
- daylily (2)
- deer (199)
- deer-tongue (1)
- deerflies (6)
- dew (8)
- digger wasp (1)
- dirt (1)
- dog statue (19)
- dogbane (1)
- dogs (33)
- Doppler Effect (1)
- downy woodpecker (73)
- dragonflies (12)
- dreams (2)
- drought (19)
- Earth Day (1)
- earthshine (1)
- earthworms (2)
- earwig (1)
- Easter (1)
- eastern cottontail (2)
- eastern red cedar (4)
- eastern wood pewee (6)
- eclipses (1)
- Elanor (1)
- elder tree (1)
- elm (47)
- Emily Dickinson (1)
- equinox (4)
- equinoxes (1)
- Eurasian blackbird (1)
- European hornets (1)
- European robin (1)
- evening primrose (5)
- evening primroses (1)
- evolution (1)
- F-16 (2)
- factory whistle (3)
- fall foliage (169)
- fall warblers (25)
- fall webworms (8)
- field sparrow (39)
- finches (4)
- fire (4)
- firefly (4)
- firethorn (1)
- fish crow (1)
- fleabane (3)
- flicker (29)
- flies (36)
- flood (4)
- flycatcher (2)
- flying squirrels (1)
- fog (262)
- forsythia (10)
- fox sparrow (1)
- fox squirrel (5)
- foxtail millet (6)
- Freeh report (1)
- freezing rain (15)
- fringed loosestrife (1)
- froghopper (1)
- frost (94)
- fungi (3)
- funnel spider (4)
- funnel spiders (1)
- garden (59)
- garden spider (1)
- garlic (7)
- garlic mustard (5)
- garter snake (3)
- generator (1)
- George Orwell (1)
- glowworms (2)
- gnatcatcher (20)
- gnats (21)
- golden-crowned kinglet (12)
- golden-crowned kinglets (2)
- goldenrod (65)
- grass (4)
- grasshopper (1)
- grasshoppers (1)
- graupel (1)
- gray squirrel (436)
- great blue heron (6)
- great spangled fritillary (5)
- great tit (1)
- great-crested flycatcher (15)
- great-horned owl (5)
- green darner (2)
- groundhog (32)
- gulls (1)
- guns (1)
- gypsy moth caterpillar (2)
- hail (2)
- haircut (2)
- hairy woodpecker (3)
- hairy-tailed mole (1)
- halictid bee (3)
- harvestman (1)
- harvestmen (3)
- Hasegawa Sosei (1)
- hawks (52)
- hawthorn (5)
- hayscented fern (1)
- haze (3)
- heal-all (1)
- heat (3)
- helicopter (4)
- hermit thrush (7)
- hoarfrost (13)
- honeybees (8)
- hooded warbler (4)
- hornet (6)
- hornets (12)
- horsefly (5)
- house finch (7)
- house finches (1)
- house wren (4)
- huckleberry (1)
- humidity (6)
- hummingbird sphinx moth (3)
- hunters (50)
- hurricane (8)
- I-99 (94)
- ice (5)
- icestorm (25)
- ichneumon (6)
- icicles (24)
- inchworm (3)
- Indian Summer (1)
- indigo bunting (18)
- International Migratory Bird Day (2)
- iris (10)
- irises (2)
- Japanese stiltgrass (38)
- jelly ear fungus (1)
- jet (42)
- jewelweed (10)
- jumping spider (5)
- jumpseed (1)
- junco (10)
- juncos (131)
- juniper (1)
- Jupiter (1)
- Juvenal's duskywing (1)
- katydids (12)
- kestrel (2)
- killdeer (29)
- lacewings (1)
- ladybird beetle (2)
- ladybugs (8)
- lamb's-ears (1)
- leaf duff (1)
- leaf miners (1)
- leaf-footed bugs (5)
- leafhoppers (1)
- least flycatcher (4)
- least skipper (1)
- lichen (22)
- lichens (2)
- lightning (3)
- lilac (197)
- lily-of-the-valley (7)
- litter (3)
- little wood satyr (5)
- logging (2)
- long-tailed weasel (1)
- Louisiana waterthrush (4)
- mallard (4)
- marcescence (2)
- mayapples (3)
- mayfly (1)
- meadow vole (4)
- meadow voles (2)
- Memorial Day (1)
- Mercury (1)
- meteor (2)
- meteors (5)
- meter reader (1)
- midges (3)
- milk snake (1)
- milkweed (4)
- millipede (3)
- mink (4)
- mist (12)
- mite (1)
- mockingbird (5)
- Mom (14)
- monarch butterfly (10)
- moon (136)
- mosquito (38)
- moss (14)
- moths (23)
- mountain laurel (33)
- mourning cloak (1)
- mourning dove (5)
- mourning doves (65)
- mud dauber (1)
- mullein (6)
- multiflora rose (22)
- mushrooms (3)
- myrtle (22)
- narcissus (1)
- neighbors (11)
- nests (1)
- netwing beetle (3)
- no-see-ums (1)
- noise (2)
- noise pollution (1)
- northern harrier (1)
- northern pearly-eye (1)
- NPR (1)
- nuthatch (3)
- oaks (84)
- opossum (2)
- Orion (3)
- ovenbird (7)
- palm warbler (1)
- paper wasp (5)
- passenger pigeon (1)
- pasture rose (1)
- pear tree (7)
- pearl crescent (4)
- Penn State (1)
- Pennsylvania bittercress (1)
- peonies (27)
- petrichor (1)
- pewee (6)
- phoebe (109)
- pileated woodpecker (158)
- pine siskin (4)
- pine warbler (1)
- plane (27)
- plastic pink flamingo (2)
- poison ivy (2)
- police (1)
- pollen (6)
- porcupine (15)
- potter wasp (3)
- power outages (1)
- powerline (11)
- praying mantis (5)
- privet (2)
- purple grackle (1)
- purple martins (1)
- pussy willow (5)
- quaking aspen (10)
- quarry (51)
- question mark butterfly (6)
- raccoon (8)
- radio (1)
- rain (534)
- rainbow (3)
- raven (125)
- red admiral (3)
- red cedar (1)
- red maple (65)
- red oak (12)
- red squirrel (8)
- red-bellied woodpecker (60)
- red-breasted nuthatch (4)
- red-eyed vireo (39)
- red-headed woodpecker (1)
- red-spotted purple (12)
- red-tailed hawk (41)
- red-winged blackbird (13)
- red-winged blackbirds (1)
- redstart (2)
- rhododendron (4)
- road (1)
- robber fly (5)
- roof (1)
- rose bush (1)
- rose-breasted grosbeak (4)
- ruby-crowned kinglet (8)
- ruby-crowned kinglets (1)
- ruby-throated hummingbird (138)
- Rudbeckia (6)
- ruffed grose (1)
- ruffed grouse (8)
- sage (3)
- Savannah sparrows (1)
- scarlet oak (13)
- scarlet tanager (31)
- screech owl (43)
- Seamus Heaney (1)
- self-heal (1)
- sewage treatment plant (4)
- sex (1)
- shadbush (15)
- Shakespeare (1)
- sharp-shinned hawk (19)
- shield bugs (4)
- silky dogwood (13)
- silver-spotted skipper (4)
- silverfish (1)
- sirens (14)
- skippers (7)
- skunk (1)
- sleet (37)
- slugs (2)
- smog (1)
- smoke (1)
- snakeroot (15)
- snakes (1)
- sno (1)
- snow (619)
- snowflakes (136)
- snowshoes (1)
- snowstorm (42)
- soapwort (13)
- solstice (9)
- song sparrow (61)
- speedwell (1)
- spicebush (22)
- spicebush swallowtail (1)
- spicebush swallowtail butterfly (2)
- spiders (27)
- spiderwebs (28)
- spring azure butterfly (1)
- spring equinox (2)
- spring peeper (15)
- spring peepers (4)
- springhouse (82)
- spruce (1)
- St. Lucy's Day (1)
- starling (6)
- stars (19)
- stillness (1)
- stream (193)
- sun (10)
- sunflower (3)
- sunrise (447)
- Swainson’s thrush (1)
- swamp sparrow (1)
- syrphid flies (1)
- syrphid fly (10)
- tansy (11)
- tear-thumb (1)
- tent caterpillars (9)
- terrorism (1)
- thaw (5)
- thermometer (5)
- thunder (3)
- thunderstorm (15)
- thunderstorms (2)
- ticks (2)
- tiger beetle (1)
- tiger moth caterpillar (2)
- tiger swallowtail (1)
- tiger swallowtail butterfly (13)
- time change (1)
- Tolstoy (1)
- towhee (65)
- tracks (2)
- tractor (1)
- train (101)
- tree crickets (1)
- tree frog (1)
- tree sparrow (10)
- trees (2)
- tropical storm (1)
- trucks (70)
- tufted titmouse (77)
- tulip tree (107)
- tundra swans (23)
- turkey vultures (29)
- turkey-tail fungus (1)
- tussock moth caterpillar (9)
- ultralight aircraft (1)
- underwing moth (1)
- Venus (18)
- Virginia creeper (3)
- voles (12)
- walking onion (3)
- warblers (3)
- wasp (8)
- wasps (2)
- weather app (1)
- weed whacker (1)
- whip-poor-will (7)
- whippoorwill (12)
- white pine (1)
- white pines (22)
- white snakeroot (4)
- white vervain (1)
- white-breasted nuthatch (121)
- white-crowned sparrow (3)
- white-footed mouse (6)
- white-throated sparrow (78)
- whorled loosestrife (1)
- wild azalea (1)
- wild garlic (18)
- wild grape (1)
- wild onion (3)
- wild turkey (56)
- wind (373)
- winter cress (3)
- winter wren (19)
- witch hazel (17)
- wolf spider (1)
- wood frogs (5)
- wood pewee (21)
- wood thrush (89)
- woodchuck (2)
- woodcock (4)
- worm-eating warbler (5)
- writing (1)
- yarrow (1)
- yellow dock (4)
- yellow warbler (1)
- yellow-bellied sapsucker (3)
- yellow-billed cuckoo (21)
- yellow-rumped warbler (3)
- yellow-throated vireo (1)
- yellowjacket (11)
- zebra spider (1)